Right, so first I should explain. I am not John Shepard, the massively talented bloke who plays on most Dakota Suite records. He's an extraordinary drummer, the kind of guy that everyone stops to watch when he's just soundchecking. I could play eight hours a day for a thousand years and never be half the drummer he is.
Nope, I'm just the average guy that fills in on tour now and then. I also played on a couple of the album tracks and b-side type of stuff. I'm definitely a b-side kind of drummer. But at least I'm cheap. Last gig I did was about 18 months ago at the Tanned Tin festival in Castellon near Valencia. And we stank up the place.
More about that in a bit.
Anyway, I work a day job in digital / social media stuff. I'm careful not to connect some of my online personae to work stuff as I'm instinctively nervous about work colleagues discovering quite what I'm really like. With social media becoming more and more prevalent I feel less uncomfortable about blogging as a real person, so I thought it would be remiss not to record some stuff about what happens on a Dakota Suite tour as I know some people are interested. Emphasis on the "some" - yes, both of you.
I've started this ahead of our first UK gig in over 5 years, which is this Sunday coming at the Fly Bar in New Oxford Street. Being a social media tossbag, I thought it would be an idea to invite bloggy types to come down in the afternoon to see us do an extended soundcheck and film /record / liveblog / whatever.
There are 2 reasons for this:
1. We give those few people who actually want to see the band play some extra time since it's once in five years and
2. This will count as a "rehearsal."
Our first full band rehearsal will be on Saturday. 24 hours before the gig. This is standard Dakota Suite operating procedure....
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