Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Band Marketing FAIL

OK, so we're difficult to write about for the music press. We're a bit too old, younger journos know nothing about us so ignore requests for listings, etc. So I thought I'd have some fun and placed a rumour piece somewhere about Jack White and Noel Fielding going to the London gig. 

Then I got a friend who runs a well known and v cool website to tweet about it. Sure enough, a Noel Fielding fan then re-tweets it. She then mails me and says "wow, where did you hear that?". And I fold instantly and admit that it's a fib. Cue tweet from her disavowing previous message. 

Marketing lesson #1 - if you're going to win, you need to be able to lie better.  


  1. It's fantastically depressing how even in Britain the music press is only interested in hype. Music fans outside Britain idealize the music scene here in the UK. After all the amount of music produced, festivals, et cetera keeps being incredible... but it's not hard to realize young journos are too blind to see beyond their own nose. Simon Reynolds has a piece in the last Fact saying that maybe the next underground music will have to stay offline. That may or may not be true. At least for now I think the option is to trust in people into the band to let other people know. I managed to get a group of friends to come with me via twitter and facebook. And guess what- I found out about the gig via a the blog of a friend who lives in Mexico City.

  2. In our case, we would probably have done better to just start earlier :)

    We all have day jobs so got to a week or so before the gig and thought "Oh yeah... we should tell people..."

    We are pretty slack!
